LDB Pure Water


We provide the finest quality bottled water available in the Interlake region with many convenient purchase options.  Our self serve kiosks are open 24 hours a day and fill both 3gal - 5 gal jugs.

For customers needing more help, our service minded staff are happy to help whether you need detailed product information, or help carrying your purchases to your vehicle.
When it comes to drinking water, we do our best to provide the most simple, fresh water experience for you possible.

You can exchange empties with freshly filled bottles directly from the shop, when using our water exchange program.
Skip the wait for water and the need to carry pocket change, with our customer loyalty card!
One time purchases are good for up to 12 water refills. Once your card is full, Treat yourself to a coffee on us!
The best water, makes the best coffee.


Our Home Delivery Service is gaining in popularity! Great for anyone with mobility issues, busy working parents, or those who enjoy the added level of service. We provide delivery directly to your home or business, with experienced, friendly, and helpful delivery drivers & staff.
For any questions on water services or Home delivery please contact us at (204) 345-2351.


We purchase almost all of our products from the manufacturer. This results in low purchase pricing for our customers that is closer to city pricing, not small town inflation. 
Our filtration system use the least amount of electricity, water, and salt for backwash/regeneration compared to other systems in the industry.

LDB Pure Water is proud to carry premium quality pleated, spun poly and carbon filters, for all of your home system maintenance needs.
Stop by the shop to check out the variety of products and services we offer.